
Paper Awards

  • AGRH (Association for Human Resources Management) Award
    • Aimed at doctoral students, this award recognizes the best work in HRM. The qualification will be based upon the evaluations of the AGRH Committee.
    • Allow Multiple Award Grantees : No
    • Allow Submitter to Self-Nominate: Yes
  • Foundation Henri Savall - ISEOR Award
    • This award recognizes empirical work that illustrates the co-construction of innovative solutions with organizational actors to develop the company's social and economic performance. The award will be evaluated by a special committee of the Henri Savall ISEOR Foundation. Sole authored and co-authored papers are considered.
    • Allow Multiple Award Grantees : Yes
    • Allow Submitter to Self-Nominate: Yes
  • Benedictine University Scholar-Practitioner Collaboration Award
    • Co-authored by at least one academic and one practitioner, the paper must bridge scholarship and practice, encourage academics and practitioners to work together, and collaborate on the creation of actionable knowledge that contributes to both the theory and practice of management consulting.
    • Allow Multiple Award Grantees : Yes
    • Allow Submitter to Self-Nominate: Yes
  • Management Consulting Division Best Doctoral Paper
    • To be considered for this this award, the paper must be identified as a doctoral student paper in the scholarly paper, go through the double-blind review process, and be accepted for presentation at the meeting. Both research-based, field-based and conceptual papers are considered.
    • Allow Multiple Award Grantees : Yes
    • Allow Submitter to Self-Nominate: Yes
  • Management Consulting Division Best Paper
    • To be considered for this this award, the paper must go through the double-blind review process, and be accepted for presentation at the meeting. Both research-based, field-based and conceptual papers are considered.  The qualification will be based upon the evaluations of the reviewers.
    • Allow Multiple Award Grantees : Yes
    • Allow Submitter to Self-Nominate: Yes
  • Management Consulting Division Outstanding Field Report Paper Award
    • To be considered for this award, the paper should be identified as a field-based report. The award is intended to capture the practice of consulting, intervention, and actionable consulting-oriented knowledge. Sole authored and co-authored papers are considered.
    • Allow Multiple Award Grantees : Yes
    • Allow Submitter to Self-Nominate: Yes