
Upgrading Your Employees’ Data Skillset for Business Success


As employees continue to adapt to remote work, many of them realize they need to upgrade their skills, especially their data skills. Business owners need to keep this desire for skills alive as there are many benefits to having more skilled employees. As a business owner, you need to offer employees the resources and advice they need to make them more productive and effective.

Make an overall plan

Upskilling your employees won’t work that well if you don’t have an organization-wide plan in place. For a start, you need to find out what data skills employees already have and what crucial ones they lack. You need to identify employees who are capable of upskilling or retraining and what methods to use for training them. 

You will need to identify which employees are in roles where data skills are critical in the future. Tridant allows you to optimize the accuracy, security, and reliability of your data assets and helps you to use data & analytics to make informed decisions. 

Set clear goals

If employees are to progress and make the most of their talents, they need to understand what they’re aiming for. Managers need to set realistic goals for them related to their interests and skills. 

Employees need to know why it’s important for them to gain certain skills and how this will progress their careers. Those who have an aptitude for data analytics should be given the opportunity to grow because they could be a real asset to the business. 

Clear KPIs help employees track their development towards the final goal. Managers can hold progression meetings to discuss their goals, find out whether any roadblocks are preventing them from reaching them, and how the organization can help to overcome them. 

Conducting regular appraisals can help to establish whether employees are progressing and real-time feedback on performance can motivate them and make them more productive. 

Empower your employees

Technology demands new and higher skill levels from employees and you need to give them all the tools and resources they need to acquire them. Continuously educating your employees and improving their skills in evolving technologies has tangible benefits not only for employees but for your business due to the challenges of an ever-changing business environment. 

Employers may need to give employees more autonomy in their roles so they can gain more experience as well as offering them the type of training that helps them to build their data skill sets. 

Training can come in many forms today, such as taking online courses, undergoing hands-on training with skilled colleagues, doing internal or external training with experienced consultants or receiving mentoring by managers. 

Provide a support system

A support system can help to alleviate any fears or doubts employees may have when it comes to upgrading their data skills. This may consist of fostering collaboration between colleagues learning new skills together, well-planned onboarding when employees complete upskilling training, and appropriate rewards and recognition following a transition. 

When employees have the ability to develop and build upon their current data skills, it makes them feel more competent and can be a great way to improve their morale. 

Improve employee retention

If your employees trust in your commitment to keeping their data skills relevant, it improves your chances of retaining them and nurturing their loyalty. Reducing employee turnover should be a priority for every organization because recruiting and training new employees can be very costly. 

It can have many negative effects on a business, such as lowering productivity. When you give employees the opportunity to learn and grow within your organization, you may be surprised at how loyal they will be. 

